Accelerator re-theme?

I agree that there wasn’t really anything more that needed to be said about that particular discussion. Given that, I’d say we keep this thread going.

I’m interested to know people’s ideas on how they’d imagine a re-themed Accelerator to a western theme. On the off chance it actually happens then we’ve got this thread on standby.
You'd need it to be different to what's already there so the sheriffs showdown takes a lot of the opportunities away.

Wagon trail? Saloon?

We could look at it from a completely different perspective and rather than the cowboys we could be the indians...hunt the buffalo! Or something more sympathetic to modern sensibiliites and something around Native American mythology...spirit animals / vision quests etc. that goes with strong theming somewhat akin to what'd been there before with Bold Colours etc. So how about Gold Rush?
I’m not too active on this Forum but hey . I don’t think they will retheme it as theres not really much you can do with a western theme , meaning they wouldn’t want the new coaster and accelerator to both be wagon trains themed around a mine . It would just be staight up boring . I can’t see another theme of Wild West for a coaster really ? I don’t know maybe they can blow us away with something :)
It does need work as it been nearly 7 years since Ben 10 became Accelerator and the paint on the outside of the building is in a bad state.
Was also thinking not sure what’s going on with the Flying Dutchman but that area could become a 1950/60’s American theme and that also includes the 4D cinema and the cafe next door.
I have 3 thoughts on what might happen:

Starting with most likely,
1. Accelerator stays the same and nothing happens.
2. Accelerator stays the same and the area AROUND it is themed to cars/racing.
3. Accelerator is themed into the new coaster/area for 2024 - which we believe may be Wild West.
I have 3 thoughts on what might happen:

Starting with most likely,
1. Accelerator stays the same and nothing happens.
2. Accelerator stays the same and the area AROUND it is themed to cars/racing.
3. Accelerator is themed into the new coaster/area for 2024 - which we believe may be Wild West.
I was thinking about the 2nd one you wrote. We’re all pretty confident that this ride will be themed to the Wild West in some degree which I’ll admit does clash with Accelerator.

What if the area of the park carried a theme where it made sense for them to clash. I had two in mind. The first one being a land themed to the USA.

Instead of changing Accelerator entirely, we get a slightly different theme more associated with hot rods and the 50s/60s. That wouldn’t be too expensive to change. The 4D Cinema doesn’t really need to change much, maybe a spruce up. The Haunting could be re-themed to any kind of American horror tales such as the Amityville Horror. Drunken Barrels carrying an 80’s disco theme where it could be in complete darkness with light-shows and music. Theme Flying Dutchman to the Mayflower.

The only other theme I could only really think of is a movie studio. This has been tried and tested for years to show that individual attractions can keep their own theme whilst the main walkways for park goers is where the majority of the theming shall take place. I’m hoping they don’t take this route but whatever happens happens. I genuinely believe that the majority of Drayton Manor’s future investment for 2024 will primarily go to the Intamin coaster and nothing more. I hope that isn’t the case but it makes the most sense.
I saw in an old thread on here ( that someone thought Bufallo would be replaced with a coaster with possibly a Scalextric theme. Of course now we know Buffalo is a part of Vikings known as Jormunganda, however I think a ride themed around a Scalextric is a great idea and with rumors of Accelerator being rethemed, this would be a great concept.
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There was plans to build a launch Scalextric coaster on the land where Vikings is now but Colin saw the design on a pc and thought it looked rubbish and slow so decided to not build it.
I saw in an old thread on here ( that someone thought Bufallo would be replaced with a coaster with possibly a Scalextric theme. Of course now we know Buffalo is a part of Vikings known as Jormunganda, however I think a ride themed around a Scalextric is a great idea and with rumors of Accelerator being rethemed, this would be a great concept.
Yikes. My memory of Scalextric was of having to retrieve the cars from under the sofa when they went whizzing off the tracks when they went round the corner. Not sure I'd want to go on a ride like that!!
Accelerator has never fitted in with the surrounding are. Originally the Rollercoaster was themed to Ben 10. This was supposed to be the first phase of an area called Cartoon Network Street. Many rides and attractions were scheduled to follow over the next few year. The Haunting was set for a Scooby Doo retheme. Down to reasons unknown to me Cartoon Network Street nether progressed past the first phase. This led to Ben 10 being a standalone Cartoon Network based ride among thril rides for a few years. After a few years the Ben 10 theme was dropped and the Rollercoaster became Accelerator.

Since its retheme the Rollercoaster has still stood out like a sore thumb. The two contrasts of Drayton Manor sat adjacent to each other until Apocalypse a White Knuckle Adult ride was demolished. Finally after over a decade the area is being redeveloped and will become a cohesive area. This means Accelerator will finally have a purpose.
Accelerator has never fitted in with the surrounding are. Originally the Rollercoaster was themed to Ben 10. This was supposed to be the first phase of an area called Cartoon Network Street. Many rides and attractions were scheduled to follow over the next few year. The Haunting was set for a Scooby Doo retheme. Down to reasons unknown to me Cartoon Network Street nether progressed past the first phase. This led to Ben 10 being a standalone Cartoon Network based ride among thril rides for a few years. After a few years the Ben 10 theme was dropped and the Rollercoaster became Accelerator.

Since its retheme the Rollercoaster has still stood out like a sore thumb. The two contrasts of Drayton Manor sat adjacent to each other until Apocalypse a White Knuckle Adult ride was demolished. Finally after over a decade the area is being redeveloped and will become a cohesive area. This means Accelerator will finally have a purpose.
Wow! I did not know Drayton were planning to make a part of the park themed to Cartoon Network. Also, Accelerator wasn’t purposely re themed by the park, the license for Ben 10 ran out.
Big shout to Coaster Giant on YouTube for spotting this on Accelerator over the weekend.

Retheme seemingly confirmed. Not exactly Wild West, but similar concept/period of time.


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But it don’t fit the Western theme. They could easily give it a Jules Verne/ steam punk theme.
It definitely doesn't fit the Western theme, you're right, it's just that multiple people had commented before (on YouTube and places) about the theming being fairly good considering it was a retheme from an already existing ride.
I completely understand the Accelerator re-theming work is still a work in progress, but I’m concerned by the steps taken thus far.

Drayton have done an incredibly job retheming the 4D Cinema facades, Blasting Barrels and seemingly the new Rollercoaster. To me, the work done thus far to Accelerator isn’t living up to that standard.

The external buildings have been painted a dull brown, with chrome accents remaining in place. The interior corridors have been made darker with dark brown paint, and sci-fi themed elements have been painted brown. This brown paint is already peeling and marked, which isn’t a good sign.

No effort seems to have been made to fix broken speakers, damaged lighting, and blank screens. I understand this is a work in progress, but I’m concerned by the initial stages so far.

If the signage above indicates they’re sticking with the green track, it’d be nice to see this jet washed to make it a little less… brown?