Dino Trail

Is it just trying to give it a wilder more natural feel though?
Wild and natural are one thing, looking like an disused industrial brownfield site is another. It looks full of weeds and this is disappointing to see.
Dino Trail is a nice little walkthrough, with some cool models (some of which date back to the 1970s) but it is essentially a very simplistic walkthrough attraction with some nice scenery and water features to give it a nice touch. Overgrown it looks awful. It'd be great to see more invested in to this area though as these kinds of things are susprisngly popular at bringing people in for a leisurely stroll (look at the amount of people who take photos around the T rex). Dinosaurland was exactly that, being a much larger attraction with indoor exhibits and galleries alongside a very large outdoor area that made for a nice walk. The problem was, it became very aged and delipidated and didn't keep up with the times. Drayton pulled a good move by refurbishing the dinos and putting them in to a well kept (but smaller) area. It needs to stay well kept!
The Dino trial really needs so TLC over the closed season but they doing this over the next week.
Felt a bit odd that they didn't do anything with Dino Trail for the DinoBreakout event.
Was hoping there'd be something there. Not sure what but something would have been nice there as its the same sort of thing
But I do suppose that wouldn't have fit the "Breakout" part.

I think it really needs to be updated as they were gonna do the ice age but never got round to it and I’m sure them dinos are still stuck indoors collecting dust.
I think it could do with some animatronic dinosaurs or at least some sound effects just to give it a bit more atmosphere.
I think it could do with some animatronic dinosaurs or at least some sound effects just to give it a bit more atmosphere.
Atmosphere is definately needed
I really expected them to put something up there for the Breakout event which would have been nice - but was just same as usual over there.
There’s lots that could be done to improve the experience however I was impressed that looping are trialling new things which is something we didn’t see in regards to events under the Bryan’s. For example the Halloween event was good but wasn’t great however this year I believe we will see improvements. It does seem like looping are listening to the feedback of guests which is great.
The zoo / that general side of the park beyond Thomas land is in need of some TLC. I reckon we may see that after the current wave of developments (2024/5 maybe)
Adventure Cove and Vikings show what they can do so should be good
The water has been cleaned up since last season with the algae removed at least.
Would love the grass/greenery and dinos to be next for a touch up.