Gold Rush (New for 2024)

If i were them I'd wait until both Hyperia and Nemesis open, let the hype for those rides die down a bit the following weeks, then start advertising. They wouldn't have to worry about competition when advertising the new ride then.
Crashcoaster on coasterforce posted this and tbf i think he could be spot on.

Complete the first section of track. arrive in the launch area, go to launch forwards it doesn't make it, launches backwards then does the next part of the track up until the lift hill. hits the lift then rolls back down the lift hill back through forwards, then hits the launch and back to the station.

Then I've suggested the back bit on its own could just be a maintenance shed if it is running 2 trains at a time.
I have seen this a few times mentioned now. The track was labelled as spinning coaster, but the park have issued a statement that this was a labelling error. It WILL NOT spin, according to the park.
I think if this was the case then park wouldn’t have taken the steps to cover in all the labels.
Crashcoaster on coasterforce posted this and tbf i think he could be spot on.

Complete the first section of track. arrive in the launch area, go to launch forwards it doesn't make it, launches backwards then does the next part of the track up until the lift hill. hits the lift then rolls back down the lift hill back through forwards, then hits the launch and back to the station.

Then I've suggested the back bit on its own could just be a maintenance shed if it is running 2 trains at a time.
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Thinking on the back of this didn't the MD state multiple different ride experiences so what if the ride can operate in any direction. So sometimes it is as stated above that the cars arrive back in the station forwards but other times it is fully capable of running leaving the station facing backwards so then it can be launched backwards and then continue to complete the full circuit backwards and arrive back in the station that way leaving different combinations of which sections of the ride are completed backwards and which sections are completed forwards
Lift hills and thrills posted a video on youtube focussing on the split track and follows the recent pictures. It does look different to any other ride in UK so really hopeful, particularly if it has the option of different rides as Victoria suggested last year on TPW video. Whatever I think it will be successful for the park
New pics from the usual sources - looks like building foundations near the switch track..
Not big enough for a station but could be a theming element
My theory is that actually is a station and there will be 2 trains of 3.i think it will be a mine cart themed trains and that base will be the station as if you look there's no other track that close to ground to be a station
My guess would be that the station will be at the top right of the photo. You will launch out of the station and proceed over the hump, then down to the flat turnaround at the bottom. You then slow to gotheough a showscene, and proceed up the lift hill. You then proceed down, possibly over a switch, then complete the first half, this leads onto the switch at the bottom of the lift hill over the straight part . Different switch at the top to bring you round the second half into the station.
Building foundations (red and yellow)? Ride Photo Booth? Theming elements?
And what’s the ramp for? (Green)

With the switch track at the bottom of the lift hill .. potential we could launch back up the top and down the lift hill (backwards?) and switch to a different circuit? Doesn’t make much sense to simply go up the standard hill twice
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Looking great. From the pictures it seems the ride will take up most of the area with guests being able to walk under it. I like this a lot more than how coasters like Accelerator or Troublesome Trucks do it, since on those ones they are pretty much enclosed which removes some interactive elements.