Gold Rush (New for 2024)

So on a trip to the "zoo only" day today I took a little look from the car as we went in and out.

It was only a little look and I'm not a real techician about such things but from my viewpoint there were some sections which will really pitch the cars at a significant angle, after coming back I've watched the intamin lift and launch coaster video and intiially these tilts seem (a little) more extreme than the ones in the video and appear on upwards rather than the downwards sections.

Then I've thought that I actually may just be thinking of it back to front and the cars will be travelling in the opposite direction to what I am assuming!
Judging by this photo zoomed in from the above links, I’m finding it very difficult to believe this will be an accessible toilet block. Especially with how close the supports are going around the entire block. It also looks like there are loads of tnt barrels infront of the drunken barrels .


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Looks accessible to me.


I’m just trying to wrap my head around the layout. The inclusion of a switch track in the middle has left me clueless. I don’t think it’s a shuttle/boomerang style section like a family version of Toutatis or Pantheon because if the cars spin and you have another coaster right next door that includes a spike and backwards portion then it seems kind of odd to include that with this coaster.

I’m more inclined to think it’s like a Darkoaster situation in that a good chunk of the track repeats itself. I could be completely wrong (I usually am) and there’s so much more track that needs to be installed before any conclusions can be made. That’s not even talking about the station building or any other possible onride buildings that await construction. Either way I can’t wait to see this thing up and running.
Looks accessible to me.

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I’m just trying to wrap my head around the layout. The inclusion of a switch track in the middle has left me clueless. I don’t think it’s a shuttle/boomerang style section like a family version of Toutatis or Pantheon because if the cars spin and you have another coaster right next door that includes a spike and backwards portion then it seems kind of odd to include that with this coaster.

I’m more inclined to think it’s like a Darkoaster situation in that a good chunk of the track repeats itself. I could be completely wrong (I usually am) and there’s so much more track that needs to be installed before any conclusions can be made. That’s not even talking about the station building or any other possible onride buildings that await construction. Either way I can’t wait to see this thing up and running.
That switch track looks like it heads into the lift hill, your idea sounds good about repeating part of the circuit again or could they just use the same lift hill twice so save space for 2 seperate sections, so as well as switch track at the bottom there is also one at the top say turn right on the first lap and left on the 2nd?
Obivously just guessing from what has gone in so far
Red final turn into brake run or station?
Purple lift hill
Blue Launch/launches?
Black lower switch track?
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Good work. I didn’t even think to consider a lift hill (even though it’s in the model name), my mind instantly went to launch or straight track.


I feel confident in that the green section is the brake-run/station (Could be completely wrong, it might be where the blue section is). The switch track into a lift hill makes a lot more sense to what I was thinking. Since this is looking very closed circuit, there’s got to be another switch track somewhere. The top of the lift hill makes the most sense, which is the orange section. On the first circuit you turn left into the launches and then on the second circuit turn right to head back to the station.

I’m confident that the blue section is a launch area, the footers don’t look lined up to me though so I can’t tell if it’s one or two launches.

Again, this is all hypothetical. The next few weeks will see more construction along with advertisement giving us a clearer picture. Then we can look back and see what we got right/wrong. It felt like yesterday when I thought this was going to be an RMC Raptor.
Wasn’t there talk about this being different every time (or having a few varieties). Maybe the switch tracks can be randomised so that you can get different combinations of circuits?
My only gripe with that is that guests would be upset they got a shorter ride time than others. I would if I queued up for 45 minutes to have barely half the ride time as the people in front of me.

They could fix this problem by following a particular algorithm so that no matter the combination everybody gets a fair ride time.

My guess on the different experience per ride was to do with the rider’s rotation. I expected you’d go through each divided circuit either forwards, backwards or spinning.
Good work. I didn’t even think to consider a lift hill (even though it’s in the model name), my mind instantly went to launch or straight track.

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I feel confident in that the green section is the brake-run/station (Could be completely wrong, it might be where the blue section is). The switch track into a lift hill makes a lot more sense to what I was thinking. Since this is looking very closed circuit, there’s got to be another switch track somewhere. The top of the lift hill makes the most sense, which is the orange section. On the first circuit you turn left into the launches and then on the second circuit turn right to head back to the station.

I’m confident that the blue section is a launch area, the footers don’t look lined up to me though so I can’t tell if it’s one or two launches.

Again, this is all hypothetical. The next few weeks will see more construction along with advertisement giving us a clearer picture. Then we can look back and see what we got right/wrong. It felt like yesterday when I thought this was going to be an RMC Raptor.
blue section is a switch track, there's pieces of track with switch track connectors and more square structure for a switch track that's out in the car park similar to toutatis that will split the layout off to another section.

the black section looks as if the backwards section towards jormungandr will be used as a spike to launch it off the other direction i.e Mandrill Mayhem, i have no idea where it would go after that.

this coaster certainly is gonna be the sleeper of this year i think it'll be one of the more unique ones, ill leave some nice photos I took of it yesterday evening.


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I thunk it's gonna be the surprise of 2024 & May well upset Merlin with their Hyperia & Nemesis Reborn coasters. It looks full of interesting elements & the likely switch track is something we don't often see in the UK!

The intriguing thing for me is still the different experience you'll have when you ride it at different times that Victoria shared with TPW late last year. It could be a whole list of different things but it certainly gets us all very excited.

The whole secrecy around this might be working in their favour & there aren't many new coaster installations that you would know so little about once you're in opening year. However, surely they need to be plugging "something new" is coming, even if they don't want to reveal the whole coaster yet.
I wonder what the height restriction will be also. Everyone’s assuming 1.2m but there’s a few intamin “family thrills” with 1.1m which would open it up to a lot of people
blue section is a switch track, there's pieces of track with switch track connectors and more square structure for a switch track that's out in the car park similar to toutatis that will split the layout off to another section.

the black section looks as if the backwards section towards jormungandr will be used as a spike to launch it off the other direction i.e Mandrill Mayhem, i have no idea where it would go after that.

this coaster certainly is gonna be the sleeper of this year i think it'll be one of the more unique ones, ill leave some nice photos I took of it yesterday evening.
Oh so the red section is the start instead of the end, interesting. The back of Jormungandr being a spike too actually makes sense.

Given how quick and fluid Intamin’s switch tracks are with Toutatis/Pantheon/Batman, it’s practically impossible at this point to tell what direction we’re going at any point. At least for me it is, there’s probably someone out there already working on a No Limits recreation.

Theming and storytelling is going to play a really large part in this too. Whatever happens, I’m just excited it’s all coming together.
This isn’t looking too promising for the ride… I think the main issue is the lack of advertising from the park. Hopefully we can get some more hype for it as soon as something is announced.


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A survey by enthusiasts for enthusiasts isn’t a fair yard stick to measure the success of a family ride in all honesty. I wouldn’t be concerned, especially if it’s going to be early summer before it’s open
Nemesis and Hyperia have been hyped up. Nemesis is a retrack / replacement ride and its been hyped since it closed in 2022. There is also the new legoland dualling coaster which hasn't been overly hyped either. I think once they start the marketing it will be full on as it is a themed land as well as a rollercoaster. There will be difference of opinions on when to market it, but if it doesn't open till late May, then the cost of marketing is better targeted closer to when the ride is due to open in say May. I would hope to see teasers coming up. I think the quality of the new land will support the new ride and the other two roller coasters in the survey are thrill rides rather than family thrill. I don't think a survey like this will be a key as to whether it succeeds or fails. Alton Towers and Thorpe park are more for thrill seekers and DM has repositioned it as a family park. I can see it being very successful personally.
This isn’t looking too promising for the ride… I think the main issue is the lack of advertising from the park. Hopefully we can get some more hype for it as soon as something is announced.
Like Stevie said, this is a poll on a roller coaster enthusiast’s YouTube channel with less than 370 people voting. This doesn’t really mean anything bad at all.

Out of curiosity, what was the time in 2022 between the park’s announcement for Vikings and the opening date of those attractions? I know that doesn’t mean the coaster will be anywhere close to the same timeframe as vikings was, it’s just somewhat of a comparison for us to use.
I remember Vikings only being “officially” announced a few weeks before it opened.

DM’s social media team are normally into the hype etc. but since the issues on the first week of the Christmas event, they’ve been pretty low key.

How they sequence the announcements will be interesting - as with the changes to Shockwave, I wonder if people are going to get confused - and not realise there’s effectively 2 new coasters coming this year.