Gold Rush (New for 2024)

I was considering getting a drone up, specifically in the winter. I am a licenced A2 COFC drone operator, part of that verification is showing competence in the law surround drone and UAS operations.

Despite what signs may say in Drayton Manor themselves, they are only applicable to someone trying to fly a drone from within Drayton Manor Resort grounds. They do not apply to someone taking the vehicle off from outside the perimeter of DMR resort and flying the drone over, in the air. Because DMR do not own the air above the park. Furthermore, as long as the drone meets specific weight and size requirements, it is perfectly legal to fly it over a crowd of people (something I do not do personally, but it is legal.

I've done my due diligence as required in order to stay a qualified drone operator because I would never do anything that could cause me to loose my licence. So when I say it is perfectly legal to fly a drone over Drayton Manor with no repercussions from the park or the authorities, I mean it. Therefor I will be getting the old lady up in the air over closed season to get the low down on this new coaster. If the rules here say I cannot post it, fair enough, even if the park really did not want me to fly over in order to keep it a surprise, fair enough too, I would adhere out of respect.

But unless that happens and they do not request they want to try keep it under wraps, I will be exercising my legal right as a member of this country to fly my drone in a safe manor in airspace that is controlled by NATS, over Drayton Manor Park :)
Could u go over blue Mountain engines old area too. (Sorry for coming off topic)
The video on intamins yourube of lift and luach coasters does highlight that the last cart can be backwards.
If they were to do this, I pray they don’t charge extra for reverse seats. A separate queue line for backwards seats like what many parks do for front row seats on their major coasters would be a lot nicer to see.
If they were to do this, I pray they don’t charge extra for reverse seats. A separate queue line for backwards seats like what many parks do for front row seats on their major coasters would be a lot nicer to see.
Blackpool Pleasure Beach do this on Icon for Enso and £15 a person seems absolutely outrageous. I that get it spins and whatever but considering how much it is already to even get into the park the extra money just doesn't seem worth to me.
But unless that happens and they do not request they want to try keep it under wraps, I will be exercising my legal right as a member of this country to fly my drone in a safe manor in airspace that is controlled by NATS, over Drayton Manor Park :)
Wouldn't it just be polite to ask in advance?
Wouldn't it just be polite to ask in advance?

But why? I really do not understand that logic. Ask what exactly? Ask them to exercise my legal right as a citizen of this country? It is not their place to say yes or no as they hold no authority over the airspace above the park and nothing wrong or illegal is being done.

If they have an issue with me doing it, seeing as I am well within my rights and breaking no laws or park rules in doing it, I think it would be more prudent for the park to reach out and request it not to be done, that would be complied with out if respect.

Do commercial or ga aircraft need to ask them for permission? No. The sign they have, refers to no flying of drones that are being being controlled and taken off and landed within the grounds of DMP. It cannot be saying anything else, where they do not hold authority. I do not think I'm being un reasonable at all. Like I said if they wished me not to do it, I have no problems complying out of respect.

Sorry, slightly off topic.
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Admins have discussed the drone photos and have a conclusion.

You are free to share any photos here of the construction process (as long as you haven't done something illegal to get them) however we would prefer drone photos to not show the park as "open"

(Personally, I'm not a fan of drone photography however that is because I don't like heights )
I think it be more likely they don’t want you to take pictures or film when the park is open to the public. The lens on them drones are excellent and you could be flying from the canal opposite the main entrance and easily zoom into the construction site.
I think it would stay as a toilet block as they would have gutted the inside of the building 1st before they added the wood onto the building. It’s weird that they theming the building now but really any construction has started.
I think it would stay as a toilet block as they would have gutted the inside of the building 1st before they added the wood onto the building. It’s weird that they theming the building now but really any construction has started.
So the toilet block will reveal the ride's theme too haha

Its an odd move but there must be a good reason for it. Two different teams may be working on it for example.
I think the toilet block will stay but be themed into the area so it maybe another clue to the theme. As Themeparksandy1981 stated it would make more sense to gut the inside and to be honest it may have made more sense to demolish it if that is the case. Given that the nearest toilets are probably by the zoo and safari restaurant, this area will need some toilets as it will surely be more popular with the new rides and the only area with no toilets. Vikings is just outside the park entrance and I suspect they would rather people use the toilets inside the park. I am looking forward to seeing the new area next spring (or more likely summer based on other areas developed).
was at the park this morning looked around the site and decent progress and even more supports have arrived!, most exciting was this tag on the supports...


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was at the park this morning looked around the site and decent progress and even more supports have arrived!, most exciting was this tag on the supports...
Could we see something like Enso for Icon at Blackpool Pleasure Beach? (Hopefully it’s not as expensive if it is this)