Rate the Drayton Manor Queue Lines


Team Member
Team Member
Drayton Manor is home to some fabulously themed queue lines and station buildings as seen in the Queue line discussion - but we'd love to know where you would rank the queue lines in comparison to one another. Let us know below!

Here are my rankings:
  1. Stormforce 10
  2. Accelerator
  3. The Haunting
  4. Apocalypse
  5. Drunken Barrels
  6. Sheriff's Showdown
  7. The Bounty
  8. Maelstrom
  9. Shockwave
  10. Air Race
1.) Stormforce 10- Brilliant theming and going over the bridge with good views is amazing.
2.) Accelerator- It's got a very garage feel to it and it's quite realistic theming with a good queue line layout
3) Maelstrom- Theming is top notch in the Maelstrom queue and you get good views of the ride itself
4.) Drunken Barrels- This used to be N0.2 until they removed all the flags but it's still very nicely themed
5.) Apocalypse- great theming once again, and it's not a cattle pen queue line.
6.) The Haunting- Brilliant theming but it ranks lower because it can be a bit problematic for large crowds
7.) Sheriff's Showdown- Well themed walls, however, it is sort of a cattle pen queue line.
8.) Troublesome Trucks/ Engine Tours- Very good views and a little bit of theming.
9.) Shockwave- It's interesting as you go up different levels with a lot of layouts but not that much theming.
10.) Air Race- It's got different screens inside and is realistic but it's a cattle pen.
Worst Queue line- it's probably the Flying Dutchman!