Zoo Improvements

Thought I start a new topic about new things added or improved in the Zoo.
In the Farm area 4 weeks ago this appeared

And last Sunday
What a nice addition! Great for the kids to see into the enclosure without much barrier.

The park seem to be continually making improvements to the zoo and we will definitely get some photos in here on our next visit!

Will be interesting to see what happens to Jewels of Oz, I believe the photos are on the site of small changes we have noticed - I think it’s linked to the aviary changes mentioned to us by the park in February.
My son went on the outdoor playground. Maybe they thought rabbits didn’t have a place in the farm or zoo. Think it needs the goats and squirrels removed and the buildings where the cows were years ago and add some more Thomas land attractions.
Well there was the new window put into the goats which was good for the little ones. Its an area which really suffers from Terence not being open. The whole area could be a Thomasland extension with the smaller kids all being encouraged into the smaller play area. The animals here including the guinea pigs and rabbit were more accessible to the toddler contingent too.

The area is really quiet but could take significant traffic from the busier areas of the park by means of the Thomas / Percy / Rosie trains. As it is you don't get much bang for your buck up this end and you get lots of much smaller kids in the Spencer play area.
I do also think they need some more things down that area because to be honest it is just in the bottom corner of the park map just there and not loads and loads of people really know its there and there is nothing there to go for either really other than the model trains, Terrance and the little play park for toddlers

Overall i think the back end of the zoo where the train station platform is needs a bit more TLC all together and just a refresh as well
I’m classing this as an improvement for the zoo as my 6 year old has decided to write to Drayton letting them know that he’s not happy with how some of the animals are treated. He hand delivered it during the haunted reclaimed event. He’s yet to receive a response but the kind lady on customer services assured us that the letter would reach the place it needs to go. The man in charge of the zoo explained that the lynx’s liked to be in a small room and gave my child a choice between a small room filled with an Xbox or a large field as a comparison for the animals. My child however is not daft and confidently told the man in charge he would pick a field to run in (little does the man know is that my child is very athletic and does not own gaming consoles). The more I think about it the more my child has a point on. He couldn’t understand why the Ostrich has ample running space and the lynx’s does not.


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I’m classing this as an improvement for the zoo as my 6 year old has decided to write to Drayton letting them know that he’s not happy with how some of the animals are treated. He hand delivered it during the haunted reclaimed event. He’s yet to receive a response but the kind lady on customer services assured us that the letter would reach the place it needs to go. The man in charge of the zoo explained that the lynx’s liked to be in a small room and gave my child a choice between a small room filled with an Xbox or a large field as a comparison for the animals. My child however is not daft and confidently told the man in charge he would pick a field to run in (little does the man know is that my child is very athletic and does not own gaming consoles). The more I think about it the more my child has a point on. He couldn’t understand why the Ostrich has ample running space and the lynx’s does not.
I believe your son has a point. All the animals in the zoo should get the treatment they want and deserve. I am sure the Lynx’s would also choose a space to run around in, mainly because they can’t understand English :ROFLMAO: but seriously though well done mate.
I really think the animals would be so much better at West Midlands Safari Park. The cages some have got to be over 50 years old now.
I agree but I don't know how easy it would be to transport all the animals and I don't know if a big change such as completely moving homes is good for them, especially the older ones.
I totally understand where your child is coming from but we aren't the animals concerned.

I know for instance if I was an owl I'd probably be wanting to fly all the time, but for an owl they don't fly for pleasure, they fly to hunt. And if they get their food brought to them then they don't need (or indeed want?) to fly.
I think the zoo should be massively scaled down. Send the larger animals to WMSP, turn the zoo more into a farm. Small mammals, birds, reptiles, but big cats, larger apes etc. I don’t see DM’s capacity to keep.

They’d need to spend tens of millions to bring the zoo up to scratch, and is it really a big enough draw? I’d move the majority of the zoo over to WMSP, and push the two-park ticket packages.