Just completed survey too! Some interesting questions that do seem somewhat like they are looking at increasing prices!
The car parking one got me, especially the idea of priority parking (another way the Merlin parks try to make theme parking elitist for the rich). This would not only be a bad move by the park but I also feel it unnecessary! We usually use the big car park opposite Vikings in the main season (obviously this is the only car park they use in winter). It gives good access & rarely has many cars on there. Be really annoying to see it made priority!
The car parking one got me, especially the idea of priority parking (another way the Merlin parks try to make theme parking elitist for the rich). This would not only be a bad move by the park but I also feel it unnecessary! We usually use the big car park opposite Vikings in the main season (obviously this is the only car park they use in winter). It gives good access & rarely has many cars on there. Be really annoying to see it made priority!