40 Holiday Lodges Update


This Planning Statement is prepared on behalf of Drayton Manor Park Ltd and supports a Reserve Matters application for the development of 40 holiday lodges on a site located to the south/south west of the existing camp site at Drayton Manor Park.

The principle of development has been accepted at the application site with an outline planning permission for the development of the site for 40 holiday lodges with associated access, car parking, landscaping and services, granted 17th June 2016.

As of the 5th July 2019, Staffordshire County Council have no objections on Highway grounds to this proposal.

Looking great and hopefully may be ready for the 2020/21 season.

(PDF and image is attached below)



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It could be possible
I'm not sure how popular the hotel is as we don't have any statistics, but the carpark always looks quite busy, so expansion may be ideal.