Italiano / The Grill Inn

I’m fairly sure it never even opened to the public as Italiano. Short lived to say the least!
Yeah I think you're right, we visited in it's last days as the Grill (they had already changed the interior at this point), but I don't think it ever re-opened as Italiano when the park did.

Safari Pizza and Pasta do a much fuller menu now so it makes sense.

I always though the Grill was a much better offering (menu wise) as it served a range of dishes.
It could also be that hotel guests used the hotel restaurant for food more than the grill and with 10:30 to 4:30/5 opening times I doubt non season/annual pass members wanted to spend over a hour here. During the firework events it was always busy.
It could also be that hotel guests used the hotel restaurant for food more than the grill and with 10:30 to 4:30/5 opening times I doubt non season/annual pass members wanted to spend over a hour here. During the firework events it was always busy.
It was always busy over the summer too.
Maybe they thinking of bringing the Grill back. It also could be that the building needs more work than they planned to do which means the restaurant can’t be used to maybe next year so they taken the option of taking all signs down.
It was re-modelled while it was still the grill. We had a meal in there just before COVID. Then the pandemic hit and it hasn't opened since. All the signage has been removed.

If you look through the railings you can see the tables are still in there so it doesn't look like they've stripped it.

I guess it will either re-open at some point if demand requires.

I can't see it being an Italian restaurant though as Pizza and Pasta has basically replaced it.

I hope the Grill might make a return as it was reasonably priced and had a good atmosphere. I suppose the other option they might go for is to turn it back into a function room (as it used to be previously).

Not a great photo, but this is what the redesign looked like:

The problem you got now is only hotel guests can use it as from May last year that top entrance to the park was blocked off when they opened the Vikings entrance.
It never reopened after the 1st lockdown as if you remember indoor venues was only open for takeaway only.
What is even in this building now? I'd the grill inn still here and just never reopened or has it actually gone
What is even in this building now? I'd the grill inn still here and just never reopened or has it actually gone
The building itself is still closed, however on inspection is still configured like a restaurant, with Italiano Signage inside. The conservatory area is being used for storage.

I believe the area to the rear of the restaurant links to the “Executive Management Offices” including the Park’s Reception Area. The Bryan’s Offices were situated off the corridor to the rear of the Grill Inn.