The Haunting

True! Buffalo was classed as a thrill ride up until recently. They’ve now swapped it round with the Bounty.
ive noclue why buffalo would be rated as a thrill ride id class it more as a family attraction myself same as the haunting thats a family attraction bounty is more a thrill ride
Not sure if anybody is interested enough but we have the Lady of the House video which is played in the library. Here is a short clip from it:



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I hope when it does reopen we see a new pre-show video as dr ghost man really lets the attraction down. It also needs better planning in the loading and unloading. Currently the guests have already left the attraction before they even started to load the pre show area.
Think is how it should be done have a 40 person holding area in front of the house so guests know behind they got roughly 20 to 40 min wait to they go in.
They loading the pre show of 40 guests and run the video while on a busy day they filling the waiting area.
They lend into the skeleton corridor and the room with the bodies in. Then they put on the ride and while it’s doing it’s cycle they loading the pre show area again. They could easily cut
The wait times down to 10 mins each cycle.
I'd really like to see the park make a conscious effort to re-open The Haunting this season, not having it open last year was a big loss to me, but I totally understand why it wasn't possible.

I feel they could do this by taking four "bubbles" at a time, maybe six depending on bubble size. Have the riders stand on a designated numbered spot, all separated into different corners of the pre-show room. They could then have the corridor as a walk through, with the effect being activated as riders walk beneath, there is no need to stop. In the Library, the numbered spots could be used to get the riders to stand on their number in the different corners of the room, and run the Library without floor motion if that is possible. In the ride, use the numbered spots again to allocate different corners of the room, with the fifth or sixth group sitting in the middle of the inner rows.

I've also seen that The Haunting has ventilation, you can see the vents in the pre-show room and also the corridor.