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Zoo Improvements

I really hink they should disband the zoo. It was built in the 60's and just looks horrible. It's a lot of land they could better develop, and it's unfair to the animals. The fact that that bit of the park backs onto an industrial estate might help with planning as well.
I think you can underestimate the value that zoo can (or could) add to the park.

I can't stand queuing for ever, it is just wasted time. And yet it seems, and I am aware my perceptions are just my own, that the building of queues is actually part of the business plan. Save money on having fewer staff, circle ride operations, build queues, sell fast pass.

The zoo can absorb hundreds or thousands of guests at any one time. I don't visit on quiet days, but when the park is busy...yeah, I'm round the zoo.

Areas such as the reptile house, which have had significant investment too provide respite on wet days.

Yes, there is a need to sort out some of the areas and ensuring that the right environments are there. But similarly the individual welfare and cases related to the animals aren't known to us. DMR may be the best place for them. The tranfer or alternate environments, no matter how they look to us, may not be suitable to them.
I think you can underestimate the value that zoo can (or could) add to the park.

I can't stand queuing for ever, it is just wasted time. And yet it seems, and I am aware my perceptions are just my own, that the building of queues is actually part of the business plan. Save money on having fewer staff, circle ride operations, build queues, sell fast pass.

The zoo can absorb hundreds or thousands of guests at any one time. I don't visit on quiet days, but when the park is busy...yeah, I'm round the zoo.

Areas such as the reptile house, which have had significant investment too provide respite on wet days.

Yes, there is a need to sort out some of the areas and ensuring that the right environments are there. But similarly the individual welfare and cases related to the animals aren't known to us. DMR may be the best place for them. The tranfer or alternate environments, no matter how they look to us, may not be suitable to them.
The Zoo I bet is 90% used by annual pass holders. Like I wouldn’t spend £32 each (£128)+ parking £6 and petrol around £10-£15 depending where u coming from to look round the zoo. I been to Drayton in the past and the queues were that bad I just let my kids play on the outdoor/indoor playgrounds while I just sat and chilled out in the sun.
I think you can underestimate the value that zoo can (or could) add to the park.

I can't stand queuing for ever, it is just wasted time. And yet it seems, and I am aware my perceptions are just my own, that the building of queues is actually part of the business plan. Save money on having fewer staff, circle ride operations, build queues, sell fast pass.

The zoo can absorb hundreds or thousands of guests at any one time. I don't visit on quiet days, but when the park is busy...yeah, I'm round the zoo.

Areas such as the reptile house, which have had significant investment too provide respite on wet days.

Yes, there is a need to sort out some of the areas and ensuring that the right environments are there. But similarly the individual welfare and cases related to the animals aren't known to us. DMR may be the best place for them. The tranfer or alternate environments, no matter how they look to us, may not be suitable to them.
I think there are both positives and reasons to keep the zoo as much as there are reasons not to keep it. But yes I agree with what you were saying.
The Zoo I bet is 90% used by annual pass holders. Like I wouldn’t spend £32 each (£128)+ parking £6 and petrol around £10-£15 depending where u coming from to look round the zoo. I been to Drayton in the past and the queues were that bad I just let my kids play on the outdoor/indoor playgrounds while I just sat and chilled out in the sun.
I totally get your point. But its all about personal perspective. Some kids love animals. Some love rides.

A bit of my perception is that it does help the family aspect as I see a lot of folks who I reckon are grandparents go round the zoo. It sort of fits that demographic extending the reach of tickets and journeys and giving shared memories.

The point about annual passes is a good one. How many season pass holders would see the value of their ticket drop considerably if the zoo disappeared.
The zoo has for many years played second fiddle. Personally I think it would be sad to see it close. It has always been there and when I was a child we loved Dinosaur Land which was much larger than the newer attraction, I think if the main part of the zoo was to close would be a loss to people who want a break from the theme park. The part nearest to Thomasland looks particularly depressing and I don't see too many reasons why it can't be redeveloped into Thomasland or other attractions and the zoo downsized to the part nearer to the Safari down to the Dinosaur exhibition. There is the old garden centre part of the zoo which could be redeveloped. I think if this was the focus, it could be significantly better.
This would be a big plot of land to make a themed area out of. Or just one big ride possibly ANOTHER coaster?


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When the takeover took place and the first ideas were mooted I anticipated that we would see the zoo transformed and see many more walkthrough type attractions. The areas presently occupied by the ostrich / emu / rhea have the most space that could be repurposed into an area which could be used with animals of the type presently in the zoo such as lemurs. Whether the actual lemurs that are there would be suitbale from their welfare point of view is for the keepers to judge.
I like the idea of more walkthrough areas. The zoo has never been great but is a bonus when going to a theme park. Hopefully they will look at improving it as time goes on. There have been some but more work to be done. The fields down by the station aren't great and a waste really. If the zoo had smaller animals to monkey sized it would be better leaving a big open space for other attractions.
The 5 year plan as listed on Lichfield DC website states for 2023 plans 'Various projects within Drayton Manor Zoo to redevelop existing enclosures' and in 2024 ' Raised walkway between Thomas Land along the railway tracks connecting to Drayton Manor Zoo.'. Other parts of the 5 year plan have been fulfilled or will be. There is a mention on the 5 year plan for an 'orangery restaurant which looks to be where the big greenhouse is and an entertainment complex where the 4d cinema was so looks fairly reliable in most areas, so no reason to see why the zoo elements I quote here won't be true. There are other interesting developments in this 5 year plan, but would be off topic to discuss here and has been mentioned elsewhere before.
All the looping group have done is finish off the aviary the Bryan’s started to build in 2019, Improve the reptile house building frontage and new enclosures inside, Outside area of the Meerkats enclosure, Repainted the Thomas land play equipment, minor work on the monkey enclosures and new fences. It’s the closed building that really has let the zoo down lately with the rarely open Jewel of Oz building, penny arcade and that area in the farm that’s been closed off since July.