Archives DMP

The first of what may be a few uploads to the DraytonTalk channel from the archives.

I won't be announcing every upload (As that would be counter productive & unnecessarily spamming the forum) - but keep an eye on the channel & subscribe for future upload notifications Again, another huge thank you Tommy for allowing us to increase the archives of DraytonTalk

Shockwave anyone?
Could you do the same with Drayton Manor plus please as we had construction pics from G force up to Ben 10 on there.


This one may take a while, should be done by later though, ill package it, upload it and sent it to you later.
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Double post....sorry! Themeparksandy1981, seeing as you mention Ben 10 construction, you reminded me that I have some too. These were provided some time back by a local construction company. Who myself and the park have links with. Unsure if these are the same as what was on your website (I have not checked yet as still downloading). They also provided me with the Maelstrom, Apocalypse and other construction photos, some of which have been posted in this topic. All much higher quality than the same photos that used to be on UDMPs.

Enjoy ;)








Would love to see pictures of pirate adventure been built but my no1 dream would be to see a video of the Jungle Palladium as I bet there isn’t many on here who got to see it or was too young to remember.
I do remember the pirate adventure being built, the frame work for the show buildings and then a week before it opened when there were two guys outside the front entrance laying I think it was tarmac? I was only 13 at the time! I also remember going on the jungle cruise and you could see pots of paint stacked outside the fire exit doors. I assume they were still painting all the scenery inside! I also remember being gutted that we couldn’t go on it as it was a week too early. We didn’t go back for another two years, but I was and have always been fascinated by it. Me and my mate went every year up until about 2006 and it was a shame they let it decline like it did. They should have modernised it but then I also understand that the show building didn’t meet later fire regulations etc. I hope they do something useful with it.
Would love to see pictures of pirate adventure been built but my no1 dream would be to see a video of the Jungle Palladium as I bet there isn’t many on here who got to see it or was too young to remember.
Would love to see the snake train but suspect not many videos of that around and pre internet days
Hated the snake train, I remember sitting on the end and being crushed by everyone as it hurtled around the sharp bends!
Would love to see pictures of pirate adventure been built but my no1 dream would be to see a video of the Jungle Palladium as I bet there isn’t many on here who got to see it or was too young to remember.
Very Loosely related But I am in the talks with Golding Leisure about some of their work with Sundown & Drayton, I've also acquired a Jungle Palladium postcard, I hope to scan this soon hoping it can hopefully turn out better than what is floating around at the minute. Attached below is my copy & the scan currently online, P.S Apologies if you have to twist your neck to see my copy!
Found some old one I had from Drayton Manor Plus, I'm not sure where my other pictures are but as Andy has said we had alot. I also attended the press opening so somewhere may still have pictures/videos of twist and pulse opening it.


Edit: found the old coasterforce thread with all my old pictures on for this so I'll at some point go through them all and add them to here

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Very Loosely related But I am in the talks with Golding Leisure about some of their work with Sundown & Drayton, I've also acquired a Jungle Palladium postcard, I hope to scan this soon hoping it can hopefully turn out better than what is floating around at the minute. Attached below is my copy & the scan currently online, P.S Apologies if you have to twist your neck to see my copy!View attachment 5862View attachment 5861
Jungle Palladium Scan.jpg

Here it is! Apologies if it seems 'deep fried', the postcard is like this IRL.
By the way I've long been working with some of the studios that did a lot of work for Drayton Manor, there isn't really enough to do a full video on each attraction but some way or another the unseen material on Jungle Palladium, Pirate Adventure and The Crypt will be featured.

If anyone has any particular memories of the Crypt that would be interesting. To my suprise last year I found what I'm sure is the only surviving video of it, taken from before it opened!
I know parks can’t stand still but as im been going to Drayton Manor since the late 80’s and the looping group is doing a great job in adding new rides and areas every year but I really miss the classic rides and shows. I’m sure they would still have a place at the park today.
The crypt was a fun ride with some good scenes. The park really had the best dark rides in the 90’s.
By the way I've long been working with some of the studios that did a lot of work for Drayton Manor, there isn't really enough to do a full video on each attraction but some way or another the unseen material on Jungle Palladium, Pirate Adventure and The Crypt will be featured.

If anyone has any particular memories of the Crypt that would be interesting. To my suprise last year I found what I'm sure is the only surviving video of it, taken from before it opened!

I always rememeber a headless pirate with his body in a coffin and head on a hook being in the Crypt. A prop which originally opened as the very first scene on Pirate Adventure (the photo of this prop in the pirate adventure topic) but was moved at some point, presumably to make Pirate Adventure less gory and in their eyes, more family suitable. I also remember the traditional ghost train style doors which the car hits to open to and from the station.

When the park opened for the 2002 season, the first year I had a season pass actually, the Crypt was SBNO from opening day. You could always see into the queue line from the main park / walkway. I remember for the majority of the season, there was stacked painted wall boards sitting in the queue that used to be the partion walls for the scenes and this one prop, which I cannot remeber if it had a head or was headless but I'm sure the body was dressed in white and I'll always remember the normal electricity 3 pin plug and cable tossed over the proper shoulder. That sticks in my mind for some reason.

I can also remember a face or a head that used to be in the ride on the ceiling somewhere in the ride. I remember that because people used to stand up and punch it.

From what a remember it was nothing special. Just a cheap. Low budget ghost train with random and various props scattered around the ride. Nothing special by any means. An average ride at best.

I would love to see the video, spent ALOT of time growing up at Drayton Manor in the 1990's and 2000's. I was very fortunate to live in Tamworth and have family who live at the bottom of the main drive for the park. Meaning we used to visit frequently as it was a 5 minute walk from being in my aunts living room, to being at the top of the park by The Haunting and Sherrifs, very fortunate. But a very good memory has been forged from the park as a result.
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What happened to the ghost train? I never went on it, but I remember it. Ring there. I’ve always said they should of built a new mure up to date one. If only they had a building going spare…..
What happened to the ghost train? I never went on it, but I remember it. Ring there. I’ve always said they should have built a new mure up to date one. If only they had a building going spare…..
Originally before Thomas land was installed it was just a shell of a building and the 4D cinema was originally gonna be built in there