Thomas & Friends Exhibition

A trucks face has fallen off


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I think maintenance on this will be regular but at the moment there are bigger things the park are working on (the new coaster & area for starters as that seems to be where most work is currently taking place)
The lovely gentleman who spoke to us about the trains told us that he used to maintain them in the old location but now only Mattel is allowed to do it so not sure how true this is.
Looks good up there
It was good - quite popular too (Granted, children were using the tracks on the floor as a race track so I kept trying to avoid getting knocked over)

Popular area for all ages and quite peaceful (minus excited screams of running children)
At the time, Winston was closed so that made it a little less busy if I had to guess.
Unfortunately yesterday there was only one train / button working (James)
I did notice that - Granted, I wasn't pressing the buttons as I was trying to film & not be knocked over by children.

I feel like its because they're being pressed so much by excited children. I probably would have done it all on a timer or something instead of buttons (But thats me personally & I am in no way shape or form an engineer or someone who has ever setup a set like this. My reference is Ozzy the bull at New street station who runs twice an hour on schedule)
I dunno. I like the buttons, well if they worked I would. The prospect of actually being able to be in control of the trains in any way is cool. Also it reduces the pressure on the trains if only for a little bit as opposed to them on a never ending journey.

But the battering they must get is immense. It may be better if they were more like the ones you get on door releases which must get a similar level of constant battering. If they also were accompanied by a light to say ...only press when I'm lit... then they may be treated better.
I dunno. I like the buttons, well if they worked I would. The prospect of actually being able to be in control of the trains in any way is cool. Also it reduces the pressure on the trains if only for a little bit as opposed to them on a never ending journey.

But the battering they must get is immense. It may be better if they were more like the ones you get on door releases which must get a similar level of constant battering. If they also were accompanied by a light to say ...only press when I'm lit... then they may be treated better.
I must say I liked it better if it was automatic Like the old one