Flying Dutchman

With that 5 year plan they state that a ride could be moving could it be the Flying Dutchman
I’d have thought they’d move it into AC, but with the Wave Swinger there now I think it’ll be removed completely for a new flat when/if they retheme that area for the new coaster
I’d have thought they’d move it into AC, but with the Wave Swinger there now I think it’ll be removed completely for a new flat when/if they retheme that area for the new coaster
I'm not so sure they'll remove it anytime soon, I could see if being moved but they keep it in nice condition with the ride and boats re-painted fairly frequently and it seems to have very little downtime for such an old ride.
I can see it joining the Viking line up and going on some of that unused area. Then a new thrill flat flat maybe another sit down drop tower going on that site.
Does anyone have a rough idea on when the Flying Dutchman boats were transformed from a wooden colour to the blue that we know today?. Came across this advert from 1997 but I don’t remember the boats ever being like this.


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Could we be seeing the end of the Flying Dutchman as it’s been having some major downtime lately and not sure what’s up with it now but it’s unavailable to at least the 21st so it must be waiting a new part and it is 40 years old now.
Statistically despite its age it has been one of the most reliable rides for the park. It may be that a ride part has been delayed through pardon the pun but shipping. If it is coming to the end of its life , Yourll probably see a similar model but I would have my money in the buffalo coaster going before the Flying Dutchman does.
I've always wondered about the future of the FD as soon as the Wave Swinger came into operation. The park would be weaker without it though. The FD and the drunken barrels were always go to rides on busy days as it allowed another ride without a massive queue.
FD is the only one of its kind left operating ANYWHERE in the world. Drayton Manor should not only keep it, but as it is the last one, keep it in its original style. Ie, do not retheme as Vikings.
I think the only way it’s staying if it’s the ride that’s listed to be relocated in 2025 as currently they can re theme Accelerator but really the Flying Dutchman can really only go into 2 areas of the park with a minimum re theme needed Vikings or Pirate Cove if the looping group want to keep the pirate theme.
FD is the only one of its kind left operating ANYWHERE in the world. Drayton Manor should not only keep it, but as it is the last one, keep it in its original style. Ie, do not retheme as Vikings.
While I understand where you are coming from at the end of the day it's a fairground ride, not a Giant Panda.
So? In that case, Blackpool Pleasure Beach should just rip down all their century old woodies right?
Nope, I am not saying that. But the cultural, historical and aesthetic value of the Flying Dutchman isn't in the same ball park.

If there is a choice between preserving the last example of a ride and not, then i'm all for preservation. But it's not necessarily the responsibility of DMR to ensure that it happens.
Personally, I think it looks out of place. It’s squashed right next to Accelerator and Vikings, themed to something that is in a different part of the park. I think it would be sad to see it leave as it is the only one of it’s kind left, but a general guest really wouldn’t care too much as we have Wave Swinger now.
I think that we may see this ride as the relocation for 2025 (personal thought with no real reasoning) as for operation - Its been running well during our visits so can't talk much on downtime this season as I've not seen any.
To be honest, I'd love the ride to be preserved, as ACMP has stated, it's the last of its kind. It'd be nice to see it relocated nearby the former Thomas and Friends exhibition. It could bring more attention to that end of the park as well if they plan to slowly expand on that area over the next few years. The ride would even fit as well!

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