Flying Dutchman

To be honest, I'd love the ride to be preserved, as ACMP has stated, it's the last of its kind. It'd be nice to see it relocated nearby the former Thomas and Friends exhibition. It could bring more attention to that end of the park as well if they plan to slowly expand on that area over the next few years. The ride would even fit as well!
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I don't think it will be moved to the zoo side of the park - I don't think we will see any rides up that side with the potential removal of the pre-existing attractions up there.
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I'm not sure it is the last of its kind actually, when I went to Kentucky Kingdom last year there was a near identical ride there: I was surprised as before my visit there I was of the same option about FD. I made a point of riding it so maybe I have wridden all FD's in the world.

That's not an Intamin. Drayton Manor have the last Intamin flying dutchman on the planet.
Must be something major up with it
I stand corrected. I was lead to believe DMR had the last one. If this is anything to go by they do not. Ah go ahead and re theme it then.

Close until further notice. Could this be the end of it as we know it?
I wonder if the plans have changed for the new area and it will include Accelerator and they decided a new flat ride will go on the Flying Dutchman site for 2024 instead of 2025. I have noticed since Apocalypse has gone the visitor numbers are down compared to 12 months ago.
I'm sure intamin still supply spare parts for all their rides, even ones they don't make anymore. Correct me if I'm wrong.
If its an older ride that they don't make any more they would take a lot longer to source the parts as rides aren't one size fit all parts :)

I'm sticking with my thought of "It needs a new part but its taking time to source/produce a new part"

Lets watch this space and see if the Dutchman returns in the near future!
Lets watch this space and see if the Dutchman returns in the near future!
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it left the park. We have Wave Swinger now, and its pretty much the same in terms of ride experience, however it is newer and more reliable.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it left the park. We have Wave Swinger now, and it’s pretty much the same in terms of ride experience, however it is newer and more reliable.
It’s perfect with Families under the 1m height restriction and if Disney can have different versions of rides that just go up and down but if a different theme than I’m sure Drayton can have 2-3 rides in the parks that go up and round.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it left the park. We have Wave Swinger now, and its pretty much the same in terms of ride experience, however it is newer and more reliable.
In my experience, Dutchman has always been very reliable (Perhaps I'm just lucky then)

I second what Andy says too - other parks have plenty of rides which are similar to eachother but different.
For example - Doesn't Alton have two child friendly drop/bounce style towers?

Drayton has a couple of rides which follow a similar movement path to Dutchman and I see no problem there. After all, there are only so many movements a ride can make.
I mean, if they want to do something in while still keeping its name for Historic reasons (it being one of the last of its type) they could relocate it to Pirates Cove and repaint it to a more wooden look to fit in the area.
I mean, if they want to do something in while still keeping its name for Historic reasons (it being one of the last of its type) they could relocate it to Pirates Cove and repaint it to a more wooden look to fit in the area.
It use to be brown and a pirate use to look out a telescope in the crows nest above.
I lot of the older rides at Drayton have had their theming removed which is a shame.
My son even thou is tall enough for the wave swinger now still loves the Flying Dutchman and was so gutted yesterday it was still closed.
I know it got to neither be removed from the park or moved as it’s really just the only ride at the top end of the park that can’t be re-themed but can easily go into pirate cove if they do decide to keep the pirate adventure building the same theme and they can easily be re-themed to look like Viking boats and given a new name.
Dutchman going strong today :) Glad to see it back up last month.

Felt a bit smoother than when we rode pre maintenance too may be a "me" thing that though...


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