Gold Rush (New for 2024)

The carriage sticking out of the launch shed had the designation "2-1" painted on the chassis for train 2 car 1, unfortunately not visible in these pictures. Great to see that there will be 2 trains for this ride, most certainly a necessary decision. Hopefully this will be matched on the wave.
Update from today
I’m loving the new lights in the station
My guess is the second train will arrive when the station or launch 2 is sorted, as those are the most likely locations for it to be stored.
No photos but some progress from today:

- The train was sitting just outside the station - had it been round?
- A fencing company was on site building a tall wooden fence, maybe part of the queue line
- looked like scaffolding was being dismantled from the launch and the maintenance shed

Can’t be too long until testing happens? Maybe after half term?
The train has been around it’s been moving in and out of the station onto the breaks today, the queue line is taking shape now with the layout being visible with gravel and fencing there’s a nice part where you go next to jormungandr and the intamin above looks really cool so far!
I’m surprised nobody’s shared this video yet. No actual cycles being tested but the switchback is being tested. We’ll likely see proper testing very soon:

Earlier in the day the train was outside and when we left it was in the station

They were actively working on the track at the back end here too :)

Capacity wise those trains look like 24x max riders (per train) which will be a welcome capacity for a rollercoaster in the park ✓

Station has airgates and lighting installed (lamps were on today)


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2 trians of 24 riders, this will probably be the highest capacity thing in the park. Very exciting to see it moving under its own power, hopefully some full ciruit testing will begin soon, with the scaffold coming down. Depending on how Intamin lay the blocks, this could have a very short dispatch interval.
Train was sat on lift today, and photo booth was being erected. Quite a big building for photos, so might be a small food outlet or shop there as well. The queuline was beign constructed, and it appears to go into the station via a walkway by Jormungandr and will be covered. No photos unfortunately but it looks like it will be an interesting and fun queue.
I do wonder what will go on top of the station building
Either the top of a barn or a chimney stack.

The fact it hasn't been built yet has me wondering if it'll potentially have a secret to it - animatronic or smoke effects.

Or, it could be where they'll have a sign - which it's waiting for
We must have left but 5 minutes before that happenned. Would have liked to have seen it. Good that it manages to get all the way round so far!