Pirate Adventure

What repairs have they done? It's a shame they've left the facade in this state :(
They were repairing the back/side which may also have included the roof toom

I don't think we will see much happen to the front of the building unless the pirate themed area was going to get some attention.

Maybe post 2024 coaster build we will see bigger changes there
I know this was just a joke but I genuinely believe someone from Drayton looks at this forum, and if not this one then TowerStreet at least. I don't know who it could be, as it would most likely be someone undercover.
Maybe one of the robots. It's like I believe someone said fencing should go around James there's now fencing around him so someone must look at this form
I know this was just a joke but I genuinely believe someone from Drayton looks at this forum, and if not this one then TowerStreet at least. I don't know who it could be, as it would most likely be someone undercover.
There's a lot of Drayton staff who browse these forums, so anything said here may well be considered by the park.
They have been working on the building which points to they got long term plans to re use the building. They could maybe use half of it with the back of it for a new staff room and maintenance area.
If Drayton are reading, hows about reopening the ride? Since the ride system still exists and is by far the most missed ride at Drayton Manor and fits the "Fun for everyone" perfectly!
If Drayton are reading, hows about reopening the ride? Since the ride system still exists and is by far the most missed ride at Drayton Manor and fits the "Fun for everyone" perfectly!
Id love that to happen, but most of the theming in the ride segment is removed now, but the queue is still intact, so they can still utilise it as a pirate themed ride if they wanted to.
I know it would require work to reopen, but under the new owners I'd have thought they could do it with the ride system being in tact, they could buy new pumps like they did for the Rapids and Loopings seem to be quite into themeing so sure they could commission some new themeing for the ride.
Why exactly did Pirate Adventure initially close? The ride was one of Drayton Manor’s most popular. I feel the work currently being done is preparing for its reopening next year. The Looping Group are good at reopening and repurposing old rides. The transit system and bits of the theming are still at Drayton. I wouldn’t be shocked if Pirate Adventure is currently being refurbished ready for next year. It wouldn’t cost much to add a few new scenes. Alton Towers rethemed Duel into Alton Manor in less than a year. This retheme would’ve involved more cash and labour than Pirate Adventure would. I wouldn’t be surprised if next year brings the new Rollercoaster and the return of Pirate Adventure. It’s difficult to believe Pirate Adventure has been SBNO for 8 years.
alfiee and Themeparksandy1981 I see you have both liked my post. Do ether of you think Pirate Adventure is secretly being refurbished and will return next year? You can refurbish a Dark Ride reletivly descretl. Furthermore it would only take about 8 months to add new scenes and refurbish the ride system. I have gaged this timescale from the length of time it took for Alton Towers to retheme Duel into Alton Manor.
Why exactly did Pirate Adventure initially close? The ride was one of Drayton Manor’s most popular. I feel the work currently being done is preparing for its reopening next year. The Looping Group are good at reopening and repurposing old rides. The transit system and bits of the theming are still at Drayton. I wouldn’t be shocked if Pirate Adventure is currently being refurbished ready for next year. It wouldn’t cost much to add a few new scenes. Alton Towers rethemed Duel into Alton Manor in less than a year. This retheme would’ve involved more cash and labour than Pirate Adventure would. I wouldn’t be surprised if next year brings the new Rollercoaster and the return of Pirate Adventure. It’s difficult to believe Pirate Adventure has been SBNO for 8 years.
I think it will be more likely 2025 or 26 before we may see it reused as 1 think Drayton Manor lack is space and adventure cove can’t really add more attractions without removing, Vikings has the area to the left hand side so that could be used for the 2025 attraction. They could move away from the pirate theme and add a Dinosaur area instead.
alfiee and Themeparksandy1981 I see you have both liked my post. Do ether of you think Pirate Adventure is secretly being refurbished and will return next year? You can refurbish a Dark Ride reletivly descretl. Furthermore it would only take about 8 months to add new scenes and refurbish the ride system. I have gaged this timescale from the length of time it took for Alton Towers to retheme Duel into Alton Manor.
I don't know if it is being secretly refurbished but something is definitely going on inside. Whether it's just cleaning or, heck a brand new dark ride, only time will really tell.
I don’t think we will see Pirates open next year. There will be too much for them to focus on especially with them opening the new roller coaster. We still don’t know if it’s going to be just said roller coaster or if they will be doing a themed land. Also with the zoo clearly having work done to it, I feel they will focus on these two areas first before addressing the usage of the pirates building. Whilst the building is in constant use, we do not know if it’s for storage purposes and other things , if they are making changes to the building or if they are working on reusing the building for something else. from what I understand there was very little left in place from Pirates and so no matter what they choose to do with the building it’s going to come with a pretty big price tag. Whilst Alton did re-theme their dark ride , it wasn’t done on the scale as what Pirates would be on due to the sizing and ride type alone .I would be the first in the line should Pirates reopen but I don’t think we will see this or a similar version return to the park. If they do look to return it to the park , i would be very surprised if they use next year as they would want to pull focus into the new rollercoaster attraction. They won’t want to take attention away from this.
alfiee do you think there’s a high possibility of Pirate Adventure returning next year. Drayton know how missed the ride is. With Alton Towers having a new/refurbished Dark Ride (Alton Manor),Drayton will likely follow next year. In addition Pirate Adventure will have been closed for a decade if it’s not reopened next year. It’s a waste of space and doesn't look good on the Theme Park. I have mild Psychic abilities and feel Drayton are surprising us next year with Pirate Adventure. Since owning Drayton the Looping Group have added multiple rides each year. I think next year Drayton will relocate Jolly Buckeneer,add a junior Drop Tower or possibly 2,the new Rollercoaster and reopen Pirate Adventure. I also think Thomas Land will be expanded with the addition of the Tea Cup Ride cancelled due to the toilet block fire.
I honestly don't know. I'm leaning more towards it re-opening in the future, but not next year. I get your point with Drayton adding multiple new things each year, but you have to understand most of them are just smaller rides, and considering we will be getting a new coaster next year, I feel they will want all eyes on that rather than a re-imagining of a previous ride which they could do another year and have that be the big thing.
If Pirate Adventure did open next year it would be brilliant!!! If the rides not returned to operation next year it’ll have been closed for a decade.
I don't think we will see the ride return in the near future

A lot of the theming was sold off at auction including some of the larger parts (the boats were also on sale during the auction)

I have a few of the smaller items from this auction and saw most of the parts on sale get new parts.

They would need to refurbish the ride system which if still there, would have been sat for a long time as well as create new scenes and stuff.

It would be a lot of work and as much as we would love to see it back, I don't think it'll be a focus until after the 2024 coaster if not further away.
I don't think we will see the ride return in the near future

A lot of the theming was sold off at auction including some of the larger parts (the boats were also on sale during the auction)

I have a few of the smaller items from this auction and saw most of the parts on sale get new parts.

They would need to refurbish the ride system which if still there, would have been sat for a long time as well as create new scenes and stuff.

It would be a lot of work and as much as we would love to see it back, I don't think it'll be a focus until after the 2024 coaster if not further away.
I agree I don't even think this will come back but what I'm thinking is if they distoryed the building it would open lots of space for new rides