It was due to light and the poor handling of them. The park didn't take good care of them
As seen on this picture Thomas had a replica face put on. his eyebrows rubbed of and his wheels were black not blue he lost his lamp irons his lamp and his tale lamp
View attachment 4364
Then for Edward he lost his whistle tender axle boxes his tender door was snapped of he like Thomas also had a replica face witch then broke all Edwards lamp irons were not there as seen in the picture
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The pictures I don't have of the models I will just tell u what happened. In 2010 Terences plouh broke in 2011 Toby was stolen and before he was he was missing his lamp and his roof was backwards. Then also in 2011 Harvey was sent back to hit after his face fell off stepney was missing his 2 of his lamp irons and in 2015 his eyes we're pushed back Rosie hadn't had her whistle on since 2009 and her paint was chipt everywhere and in 2019 her piston rod fell off
most rolling stock had buffers broken off as well . Toad didn't have a face till 2020 !. Then in 2020 Molly, class 40,hank and raise were put on display while Edward Rosie and Thomas were having a maintenance.In July of 2021 class 40s face fell of and after that was then being held up with blue tack. Mollys lamp irons were giving to Thomas who had his original face back on and not his replica the eyes were yellow tho. And nowts really happend since 2021
This is Thomas after 2020
View attachment 4368 and for Edward he was sold off