Pirate Adventure

I think after the 2024 coaster/Wild West area, the Pirate Advenure Building/Excalibur Lake will be the next area for development.

• Knock down the PA building
• Fill-in some of the man-made Ex. Lake
• New Vekoma Family Invert partially over the remaining lake
• Mack Indoor Dark Ride (smaller blueprint than that of PA, but still using the building to partition the area from TL)
• Couple of family flats (Zamperla/Intamin)

Themed to an Enchanted Forest? Dinosaur themed? I don’t see the Pirate theme returning with Adventure Cove & Vikings - too similar in my opinion
They can't destroy the building due to it being home to many other rides
Hi can everybody please sign this petitio!!?

The petition wasn’t started by me, I just found it while looking at Pirate Adventure online.

I hate to break it to you but these petitions really don’t work. Some of them can get tens of thousands of signatures and nothing happens. Unless a miracle happens I highly doubt this will work. (I still signed it :ROFLMAO:)
I think after the 2024 coaster/Wild West area, the Pirate Advenure Building/Excalibur Lake will be the next area for development.

• Knock down the PA building
• Fill-in some of the man-made Ex. Lake
• New Vekoma Family Invert partially over the remaining lake
• Mack Indoor Dark Ride (smaller blueprint than that of PA, but still using the building to partition the area from TL)
• Couple of family flats (Zamperla/Intamin)

Themed to an Enchanted Forest? Dinosaur themed? I don’t see the Pirate theme returning with Adventure Cove & Vikings - too similar in my opinion
Enchanted forest would be a wonderful theme for the area and definitely could be a good one for a dark ride on the site of PA.

I would say maybe the building is reused for this and not knocked down though as it's quite a structure and has a few uses (e.g staff areas and some of Thomas land / the food outlets )
I hate to break it to you but these petitions really don’t work. Some of them can get tens of thousands of signatures and nothing happens. Unless a miracle happens I highly doubt this will work. (I still signed it :ROFLMAO:)
Everything u said was perfectly true :ROFLMAO:
Funny story, I did @ it to them on twitter years back, and they did reply saying how much they miss it too XD. You never know.
Trooper Looper do you think there’s a chance Pirate Adventure could reopen next year? Duel at Alton Towers was refurbished in under 6 months. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pirate Adventure return next year to rival Alton Manor.
Trooper Looper do you think there’s a chance Pirate Adventure could reopen next year? Duel at Alton Towers was refurbished in under 6 months. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pirate Adventure return next year to rival Alton Manor.
Alton and drayton are friends not rivals. And just because Alton manor reopened doesn't mean pirates adventure is and this is getting a bit repetitive so time will tell us
Think its worth noting that curse at Alton manor was a retheme of an existing ride and the ride system wasn't knackered or most of the theming damaged.
Think its worth noting that curse at Alton manor was a retheme of an existing ride and the ride system wasn't knackered or most of the theming damaged.
True, but they also removed a lot of the good bits...

Anyway, yeah, there isn't much in Pirate Adventure left, but the queue is fully intact. So doing the queue up would be an easy job, from fixing stuff, TLC to the walls and props, etc.
True, but they also removed a lot of the good bits...

Anyway, yeah, there isn't much in Pirate Adventure left, but the queue is fully intact. So doing the queue up would be an easy job, from fixing stuff, TLC to the walls and props, etc.
Trooper Looper do you share my optimism that following Duel’s transformation into Alton Manor Pirate Adventure could return next year? I’d say refurbishing Duel into Alton Manor was a more complex job than reopening Pirate Adventure. It would be great if Pirate Adventure came back to Drayton Manor.
Trooper Looper do you share my optimism that following Duel’s transformation into Alton Manor Pirate Adventure could return next year? I’d say refurbishing Duel into Alton Manor was a more complex job than reopening Pirate Adventure. It would be great if Pirate Adventure came back to Drayton Manor.
Please stop asking this. It is very repetitive and does make some people annoyed (not being rude or owt :))
But it could happen and couldn't time will tell mate :)

I guess we’ll find out within the next few months. If Pirate Adventure doesn’t reopen next year I doubt it will. In 2025 Pirate Adventure will have been SBNO for a decade. SBNO rides never return after a decade. I imagine next season will be Pirate Adventur’s last chance of revival. If Pirate Adventure is still SBNO this time next year I think it’ll be demolished and replaced probably by an expansion of Thomas Land.
If Pirate Adventure doesn’t reopen next year I doubt it will.
Pirate Adventure will never open as it once was. The ride system and the building are old, and most of the theming was sold off at the auction a few years ago. I also don't think it would return under the same name as people called the ride a 'disney knockoff' and the ride is probably known by people who have never visited Drayton as such.

As for Pirate Adventure returning, it will never happen.
A re-imagined Pirate Adventure, or something new in it's place, could be a possibility.
Pirate Adventure will never open as it once was. The ride system and the building are old, and most of the theming was sold off at the auction a few years ago. I also don't think it would return under the same name as people called the ride a 'disney knockoff' and the ride is probably known by people who have never visited Drayton as such.

As for Pirate Adventure returning, it will never happen.
A re-imagined Pirate Adventure, or something new in its place, could be a possibility.
I wonder if Pirate Adventure could receive the same treatment as Piraten In Batavia at Europa Park did following its fire.
I never got a chance to ride Pirate Adventure but after watching some on-ride footage on YouTube I noticed there was a small drop in the first half of the ride. Does anyone know if the ride was raised up inside the building or built into the ground? I would love to see what it is like im the building now. I'm imagining just an empty trough inside a broken down building with random pirates and thening dotted all over the place.