Pirate Adventure

Not 100% sure but think this was the pump motor from the pirate adventure
It got hit quite hard by the looks (I'm out of town for the new year so don't know how the wind has been)

Admittedly, kinda cool to see the structure under all that.

Hope no one was injured or anything!
Will the PA building now stay like that or have a modern replacement
It got hit quite hard by the looks (I'm out of town for the new year so don't know how the wind has been)

Admittedly, kinda cool to see the structure under all that.

Hope no one was injured or anything!
I wonder if during the closed season they will knock the whole of the frontage off as a safety precaution.
Will the PA building now stay like that or have a modern replacement
That remains to be seen :) so far there's nothing confirmed to what they may do.

I believe that they will now push the building ahead on their plans though as there may be other damages which are in need of assesment from the wind
Oh no!! So sad to see it like that. But it does show that the facade wasn't in a great state, I wonder if it was because of the ivy? If they want to keep Pirates Cove, they probably need to rebuild the facade from the ground up. Hope they save the sign though.
With only 1 last day of the year left and the park closed to the 10th Feb can see the team who’s currently working on the Western theming moving over to the pirate adventure building and taking the whole of that frontage back to the brick work and have it temporarily covered over to protect the main building from the winter months.
The weight of all that Ivy would have helped to weaken the frontage over the years.
The façade was built with some polystyrene type of yellow material, you can see it in some of the photos actually. I suspect the ivy had nothing to do with it as Trooper Looper suggests. More so 30+ years to the elements and minimal maintenance in that time has taken it's toll.
Yeah, we've had some pretty heavy weather incidents at time, some have been pretty short lived but pretty violent all the same.

As Elise has said you can imagine that it will lead to a reordering of works and developments.

First priority though is to see that the building won't cause damage to itself, to people or to the balance sheet.